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Manufacturing Edge

With the advent of technology and research, steel has lost its old form of low strength grades and upgraded to more strong and durable forms. This has resulted in higher tensile strength and ductility. Thus, what started as Mild Steel Plain Bars evolved through Deformed Plain Bars, then Cold Twisted Steel Bars (TOR steel) and finally turned to Miathan Steel (Thermo-Mechanically Treated) Rebars.

Miathan Steel Rebars are generally available in the following grades as per IS: 1786-2008: Fe 550D. Recently, the fourth revision of IS 1786:2008 has taken up to incorporate various changes found necessary as a result of experience gained and technological advances made in the field of steel bars and wire manufacturing. Thus a new Grade of Miathan Steel Rebars - Fe 600 has been introduced in the BIS code.

Maithan Group, an industry leader in the steel business, has taken a bold step by introducing Fe600 Miathan Steel Rebars in the Indian Market. With this introduction, heavy demands on steel reinforcement can further be reduced without
compromising on the design standard and planning requirements.

This will prove beneficial for high multi-storied buildings, bridges, fly-overs and other extreme civil engineering structures where large quantities of reinforcement need to be confined in smaller concrete surfaces, resulting in minimum clearances for concrete pouring and compaction.

Maithan Thermo Mechanical Treatment (Maithan Steel) Rebars - Quality that Stands Tall

MAITHAN Thermo Mechanical Treatment (Maithan Steel) REBARS OTHERS
Uses virgin iron ore and deploys high-tech steel making and refining process at our integrated steel plant. Reheated ingots or scrap are used leading to no control over physical and chemical properties.
Steel is made using DRI + Pig Iron -> SMS -> LRF-Concast -> Hot charging -> Rolling mill. Use scrap or ingots for steel melting without any secondary refining process, which results in inconsistent chemistry.
Miathan Steel Bars are manufactured using High UTS Quenching and Self-Tempering Technology (HYQST). Outdated rolling process and technology suitable for Fe415 and Fe500 grade.
Providing precise and uniform parallel rib pattern engraved through computer controlled CNC notch cutting & branding machines. Ribs are manually cut resulting in non-uniform rib pattern and weaker bonding.
Meets UTS/YS (Ultimate Tensile Strength to Yield Strength) ratio and high percentage elongation. Old technology leading to high variation in elongation.
Uses RO water for Quenching to provide Miathan Steel rebars more consistency, finish and shine. Uses unprocessed water thereby compromising on quality.
Automatic Rolling Mill, Cooling Bed, Cutting and Bending Machines. Manual process which leads to manufacturing imperfections.
State-of-the-art laboratory with high-tech computer aided facilities like Spectrometer and UTM. Uses conventional testing facilities with low level accuracy and reliability.
Miathan Steel Rebars made from in-house high quality billets to enhance the tensile strength under adverse situations. Made from ingots or commercial billets.